1·The machine adopts gear, rack type design, adjust the auxiliary support platform height, really fast.
2·Auxiliary support equipment: carried out according to the engineering type after-sales service commitments of our company.
3·This paper expands the application area of OLAP, and it can also supply auxiliary support to potential knowledge Data Mining about basic research products.
4·Aluminum frame, adjustable folding ramp after the handrails, removable foot care, PU wheel, Quick release pneumatic rear wheels, auxiliary support wheel, adjustable pedals.
5·The thesis also concludes the decision-maker's cognitive in the process of SDSS. Base on the cognitive, we study the kind and mode of auxiliary support and show the way of SDSS construction.
6·Today Mrs. K. is able to walk 300 meters with the help of a rollator walker (or walking frame), but due to her severe posture control deficit she still needs the support of an auxiliary person.
7·Traits don't support auxiliary constructors, nor do they accept an argument list for the primary constructor, the body of a trait.
8·Shiro also supports some auxiliary features, such as web application security, unit testing, and multithreading support, but these exist to reinforce the above four primary concerns.
9·The agreeable passions of love and joy can satisfy and support the heart without any auxiliary pleasure.
10·Any organizational activity, consultation, material support or other auxiliary services conducted or offered for another person's creation shall not be deemed as creation.